Tag Archives: natural

Types Of Hair Loss Treatment Available To Sufferers

The hair loss treatments outlined here cannot provide definitive cures for all hair loss conditions, but they do represent regimes that many sufferers have found useful. In other words, they are examples of potential solutions that many patients have chosen after honestly assessing the causes of their hair loss together with their expectations. This article will focus on four basic approaches: A drugs based approach for those who don’t mind taking strong medications. A commercial product approach for those who prefer a non-drug solution but who still […]

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Regrow Hair Naturally

It is not impossible to regrow hair naturally. From among the bursting shop shelves filled with hair regrowth products, there are products like Procerin which address male hair loss in totality and provide a holistic solution for male pattern balding. It is a fact that as we age growing new hair becomes more and more difficult for the body, and eventually comes to a crawl. Hence, to regrow hair naturally assumes great importance over the advancing years. The search for natural hair regrowth products is constant and […]

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Hair Regrowth Treatment

The search for hair regrowth treatment is often tiring and frustrating. It is nothing new to hear about men who try everything available off the shelf and even by prescription, to find the right hair regrowth treatment for their hair. Actually, no hair regrowth treatment for men is complete if the product is not a combination of DHT blockers and hair growth vitamins and supplements. This is because hair loss is one issue and hair growth is quite another. Hair does grow normally until a certain age. […]

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Common Causes of Hair Loss

It is very natural for a person to loss 50 to 100 hairs each day under the body’s hair renewal process. But most of the people at least once in their lifetime suffer with heavy hair loss. There may be various reason behind this; like medication, chemotherapy, exposure to radiations and certain chemicals, nutritional and hormonal factors, thyroid disease, skin disease or stress, etc. In most of the cases hair loss is temporary but in certain cases it may be permanent depending on the severity of disease. […]

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